Friday, July 9, 2010

SFR Challenge finished #12


Today I finished reading The Legend of Banzai Maguire by Susan Squires. This is book one in a five book series set in the year 2176. I'll try not to give many spoilers. Bree Banzai Maguire and her wingman, Cam, are US pilots on a peacekeeping mission in 2006 over North Korea. They get shot down, but not by the enemy they expect. They're put into bio-stasis.

Banzai is awakened into a different world in the year 2176. Revolution is in the air, and Bree is a hotly contested prize.

It was fast and interesting with a satisfying and realistic love triangle with a HFN. There was a little sex. I'm actually glad there wasn't a lot. Banzai didn't just jump into the sack with anyone she could. Whate there was was hot and emotional.

I enjoyed this book enough to want to read the rest of the series, which I do own. Of course, I can't find book #2 so I won't be reading the whole series until I find it. Grr. Did I mention I "lose" books a lot? LOL.

So, next I will finish reading The Stars Down Under by Sandra MacDonald. It's the sequel to the book I read last week called The Outback Stars. Yes, I'm also one of those people who reads more than one book at a time. My car book, whose name escapes me at the moment, may also be an SFR. It's an alternate history in a contemporary setting--the Russians never gave up Alaska and so there's a monarchy. I don't know if AU is enough to make it SFR because I don't think there's any SF in it. LOL. So, I don't think I'll count that one.

Have a great day!

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